About Us
The International Family Law Arbitration Scheme is a joint initiative of David Hodson, of The International Family Law Group LLP in London, England and Patrick Parkinson, Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Queensland, Australia.

OBE KC (Hons) MCIArb
Prof David Hodson OBE KC(Hons) MCIArbis a co-founder, previously a partner and now Special Counsel at The International Family Law Group (iflg.uk.com), a specialist law firm representing international families. He is an English solicitor, mediator, arbitrator, Australian (NSW) solicitor and a deputy (part time) family court judge at the Central Family Court (DDJ in the FRC at the CFC) in London and Western Circuit. He is a member of the English Law Society Family Law Committee, a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers, a member of LawAsia, the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia and a similar contributor to many family law organisations around the world. He is a regular speaker at international family law conferences around the world. He was awarded the OBE for services to international family law. He was appointed the (now) KC (Hons) in March 2022 by virtue of making a significant impact on the law of England and Wales. He is the editor and primary author of the LexisNexis textbook ‘The International Family Law Practice’ (6th ed). He is Visiting Professor at the University of Law and Honorary Professor of Law at Leicester University. He is an Anglican lay preacher. He can be contacted on dh@davidhodson.com
